This was finished Friday night at about 10pm. It took less time than the desert scene. I worked on it some on Thursday afternoon once I got it stapled up. I painted the sky and the mountains and then left around 9pm. The rest was completed on Friday. It was sprayed with a fixative on Saturday morning and hung just before lunchtime. This painting took about 15 hours to complete. Just like the other backdrop I had to paint several coats and deal with a wrinkled surface.
Fortunately, The wrinkles help the sky and ground on this painting.
This is looking at the picture from left to right. When I finished it reminded me of a Rock Album Cover for Pink Floyd or Led Zepplin. The stars turned out great thanks to white Airbrush paint. Thanks Ryan and Gene for the use of the airbrush and airbrush paint.
This view is from right to left. Again just like the desert scene the size is 11x6feet. I'd like to acknowledge my CD collection and Mom's boombox without which I would have gone mad in silence. Thank you "Weird Al", Dr. Demento, John Denver, numerous movie soundtracks, the Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Collective Soul, and TV Cartoon Soundtracks(just to name a few) you made painting along with music fun.
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